Monday, November 5, 2007

Waiting for Trams...

I went to see a performance of Shakespeare’s King Lear at the Victorian College of the Arts. I officially start my Post-Grad program there in February, and I wanted to suss out what level of expectation there was for the Year-end projects.

University productions are notorious for being very “Creative”, and this show was no exception. I wasn’t looking forward to the 4½ hour (uncut and unnecessary, God bless them!) running time, and as it happened, I left at the interval after Act Three, wishing I had left at the interval after Act Two! (There’s a storm in Act Three, and the sound effects were delivered, BeatBox Style, yo! on a microphone by the actor playing “Fool”.)
No longer intimidated by the expectations of the program, I just missed my tram back into St. Kilda…and waited smugly for the next one...20 minutes later.
This shot is of St. Kilda Road, late at night with the Arts Centre spire in the background.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis. Mum just gave me the link, so now I'm gonna be following you. I'm really rather envious, you know.

love D

K. van der Leeden said...

You shouldn't need a BeatBox with your voice (second loudest of Belmont!) you will knock them off their feet au naturel!
With love from your loud(er) friend!