Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Healing Required!

So, my goal for getting back in the water was the Australia Day Long Weekend. That's this weekend. ...and Dr. Cheah, my friendly surgeon in Footscray, put the big kibosh on that plan! (However, taking the good with the bad: he also gave me a recommendation for a really good Vietnamese noodle house near the train station!)As you can see, there is some new skin growth, and I don't know if you can tell by the photo, but... the tissue in the wound itself has grown up a lot from the bottom. It's still an open wound though, so there is still a risk of reinfection if I spend three days surfing. (Yeah, I know. Duh, Paola!)Fair enough! I will not soak my leg in seawater this weekend. Fingers crossed for next week! Me and Monica, the wound nurse.

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