Friday, December 28, 2007


If you have some spare time this holiday season (or anytime at all, really!)...Give me a call! My mobile has decent reception, and I gotta tell you...I love being able to have a good chat and catch up on all the news and gossip back home.

You'll need:
* some free time
* a calling card or a good long distance plan
* an understanding of the time difference: I am 5 hours behind you, tomorrow. (So If it's 10 p.m. in Victoria, it's 5 p.m. in Melbourne. Make sense? )
* My mobile (translation: cellphone) number dialling from Canada:

011 61 404 500 135

Go on...Ring me! Give it a Burl!
As you can tell from my "deer in headlights" look, I concentrate REALLY hard when on the phone, and am startled easily. Rest assured, you'll have my full attention when you call!

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