Monday, July 5, 2010

Opening Weekend

Alternative title:  "Slut Opening".

So yeah, the show is on, the seats are filling up, and it feels alright. Look, if I sound a bit ambivalent, it's because I am. It's all a bit surreal, and made even more surreal by the fact that I didn't take one single photo to document the occasion. Bizarre. Unlike me.

Anyway, it's Monday now, and I have some perspective and renewed energy! I'll take some pics of the show in the coming week, I promise.

This week, there's the following to look forward to: articles expected in the local papers, a radio interview.... and the reviewers are starting to come along as well.

I've started work on the next theatrical project: directing  an American play called Blue Surge by Rebecca Gilman for Winterfall Theatre Company.  Pretty excited about it all, least of all because the rehearsal/performance space is just a 20 minute stroll from my house!

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