Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Hair

It's not really "new". I've had it for two weeks now...and I think I'm used to it now. It’s surprisingly fast and easy to style! (I don't really know what it looks like curly yet...)
It is “Very Melbourne”, and looks best (I think) with basic black.
It’s a change for sure…the Cruisey, Beachy Canadian Surfer Chick look has definitely shifted! Cast your vote for the description you feel best describes the new look.

Cruisey Uptown Surfer Chick
Funky Arts Chick
Demented Pixie
Carol Brady
Fresh As

(I'm working the demented pixie vibe in this pic....don't let it sway your opinion.)


Brad C said...

I was suprised as you don't post many pictures of yourself, but I really love it. Did you send Kristie a copy. Can't wait to see it in person!

Brad C said...

I think pixie is much shorter and to pull off Funky Arts Chick you would have gone dark and lets face it Carol Brady is much older than you are in our minds... so, that leaves us with Cruisey Uptown Surfer chick and Fresh As, and since I haven't a clue what CUSC might be I will have to go with Fresh As my friend Paola after a latte and a muffin from Pure Vanilla followed by a long walk all around the ocean together.

Love, D

PS. I cut all my hair off so I can really pull of Demented Pixie or at least boy with really expensive haircut.