Friday, September 30, 2011

Breathing Space

As is often the case, when I finish with an intense period of activity in the city, I escape to Lorne to find some breathing space. I took my time driving down the coast and enjoyed sitting on a few beaches and just looking out over the sea... until the torrential rains came.
I am quite content to just sit  and breathe salt air. The weather is immaterial. I needed to watch the sea move and gather my thoughts, allow some learning (personal and professional) to consolidate and to just let myself be.

I had lunch with Jas and Ava, and when the rain cleared, we wandered the main street, popped in to shops and said hi to people.... and yes, we giggled at the adorable baby Ava and her goofy smiles...but mostly we just talked and talked and talked.

I stayed on for dinner at the farm and overnight, and after a great visit, drove back into the city the next morning via Jas and Matt's preferred shortcut.... a new one for me.  These backroads revealed deep gullies, rolling fields, a few planted with bright yellow canola, some old farm windmills and twisted gum trees.
It's a good thing for me to take advantage of breathing space. It's good to really sit quietly. And, as I travel on new roads, to be reminded that I actually like new roads and adventure and not knowing what might happen next.

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