Monday, July 25, 2011

"Life's Good when Phil Collins is Your Inner Soundtrack."

I teach some funny, cool kids. The following interaction made my week!

Today in my Year 7 French class, Student X was beginning to distract those around him. He's not a naughty kid usually. He's smart and quick to answer, question and make connections in class. Today, however, he was starting to sing a Phil Collins anthem like he meant it. "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, O Lord.... and I've been waiting for this moment all my life, O Lord...!!" ....and then there was the epic air drum solo...!

It was quickly apparent that I was about to lose the six boys in his general vicinity to a great '80s song and there would soon be no end to the group air drum solos....

Me: (as I wandered past him) Hey X, Phil Collins. Nice choice. Everybody likes Phil Collins.

Student X: Yeah Miss, Phil Collins is awesome! (singing loudly, but not unpleasantly) I can feel it coming in the air tonight, O Lo--

Me: So X, While Phil's cool, no question,  I'm wondering if you can have him as your inner soundtrack as opposed to your outer soundtrack. What do you reckon?

Student X: Sure, Miss. .... (Still singing, only a bit quieter) Nah-na-na- nah -- coming in the na ta-nah-- O --

Me: Yeah, X, I think the focus here is on the INNER part of the inner know, like in your head where only you can hear it? Nobody else? 

Student X: Ah yeah. But what about the drum bit? (does the drum bit to emphasize it's value.)

Me: Yeah, well...I agree. The drum solo is the best bit... but...

Student X:  You want me to do it in my head.

Me: Like only you can hear it.

Student X: Yeah right. OK. Look, I'll try it, Miss.

Me: Yeah...give it a go, X. I think it'll still be cool. 

Student X squints his eyes and looks out the sunny window, very obviously singing Phil Collins in his head. He's cool. Undeniably. ...and then he busts out a very energetic drum solo involving his pens, a pencil case, the window and his seat partner's head.

Me: Yeah, nah, X...the drum solo is in your head too, right? 

Student X: (laughing) Ah right...I didn't know what you meant...

Me: (laughing too) ....Yeah right. You did so. See if you can do it now, okay.

Student X: Sorry Miss. my head. Can I do it while I put this (rubbish) in the bin?

Me: Yeah. Give it a go while walking. I think that would be the coolest. 

Student X walks across the room  to put some paper in the bin. He moves smoothly, to the rhythm  of Phil Collins in his head. He pauses halfway back to his seat and looks out the window --- to the drum solo --- and then he moves back to his seat.

Student X: Hey Ms Unger, life's good when Phil Collins is your inner soundtrack.

Yes, yes it is.