Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Neighbours

 Don't know if you can see them, but the little specks and blurs in the photo are FRUIT BATS flying over the city at Yarra Bend park, not far from our house. Some evenings you can hear them squealing and yelling at each other as they settle in the trees near the Merri Creek, just across the road from us.

If it isn't the bats making lots of noise, it's the RAINBOW LORIKEETS, beautiful little birds that swoop and play in the trees.

In the evenings and late at night, it's not unusual to hear a scuffling and crashing  that sounds like a four year old is somersaulting across our roof. It's not the kid next door, it's the fat BRUSHTAIL POSSUMS.

A slightly daintier and lighter scuffling -- like that of an underfed two year old -- can be heard when the RINGTAIL POSSUMS play tag across the rooftop.

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