Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Serenity Now

It's been a bit hectic this week as I cross all my t's and dot all of the i's  on my Permanent Residency visa application. (Immigration Australian doesn't appreciate bubbles or hearts on top of your i's.)

I've made my parents search through all of my boxes in their basement for my framed copy of my BFA degree. Apparently that is the only thing standing between me and a rubber stamp of approval. Bless them, they found it in the last box they looked in!

All going well, that will be in the mail and in my hands within the week, I'll certify it and then send it off.  Then, I'll wait.

Let's hope they don't deport me when they find out my Canadian passport is due to expire in 14 days.

(It's okay, I've renewed it this week too!)

1 comment:

Brad C said...

How come no one ever worries about dotting their 'j's and crossing their 'f's ? :)

Good luck with the application!