Sunday, September 12, 2010

Melbourne Snapshots on the Train

I quite enjoy public transport in Melbourne, and the last week has been perfect for people watching.

Last Saturday, I was waiting for a train at Parliament Station. An old Asian man strode onto the platform, put his Eddie Bauer backpack down on a bench and with utter confidence, proceeded to do some Qi-Jong or Tai Chi moves on the platform.
In underground train tunnels. the air rushes through the tunnel, preceding the train's arrival. My little Asian man stood with the rush of air at his back and gathered his energy to continue with his day. On the train he sat down next to a woman in hajib reading a Muslim prayer book.

One day this week, I was on the 6:50 am Epping train into the city. (I love this train for it's views of sunrises.) Halfway through the trip into the city, with the sun shining out from behind clouds, a man a few seats behind me sang out a Muslim call to prayer, and a lady sitting across from me made the sign of the cross and briefly closed her eyes. I don't really pray that much anymore, but I said an early morning prayer too, and our train compartment felt full of grace.

1 comment:

K. van der Leeden said...

Possibly my favorite blog entry so far! It makes me want to travel to the big cities of the world and be an observant and participant in the many facets of life, culture and humanity.