Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Joke of the day

I taught at my neighbourhood Catholic Girls' School today. I heard this joke in a year 9 Science class.

A little boy sat down to write a Christmas wish list to Jesus. He began writing: "Dear Jesus, I have been good all year long--", and then he stopped and angrily crumpled up the paper and threw it away.
He began a new one: "Dear Jesus, I have been good for most of the year--".
Once again, he stopped and angrily crumpled up the piece of paper. He got up, went to his mother's bedroom, picked up the statue of the Virgin Mary, and locked it in a cupboard. He went back to his room, sat down and started writing a new letter. It began, "Dear Jesus, if you ever want to see your mother again--"

1 comment:

Thisishollywood said...

Nice joke i like it
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