Sunday, March 16, 2008

Brush with Fame...oops sorry!

I had two cool brushes with Australian actors this weekend. I brushed elbows with Andrew Upton (Cate Blanchett's husband; a director) at a preview of a play at the Malthouse Theatre....literally brushed elbows! I almost sent his glass of white wine flying! He was nice about it. Umm...when I apologized, he accepted my apology. In very Aussie fashion he was attending the theatre as just a regular guy...plaid shirt, khaki trousers and Birkenstocks.
Later that night, after the show, my friend Samara and I caught up with our other friend and fellow director, Nadia for drinks in the CBD. She was meeting some of her mates, among whom was her best mate, Rose Byrnes, an Aussie actress widely recognized for "having made it." You can see her opposite Heath Ledger in Two Hands, opposite Brad Pitt in Troy, and as Natalie Portman's handmaid in Star Wars, Attack of the Clones. I did my best not to talk too much. I played it cool, appearing appropriately disinterested.


Brad C said...

I have a hard time believing you played it totally cool and acted totally normal, although I have never really seen you act, so who knows. I bet you laughed at least once, a little too loud at something that really wasn't that funny. I would have been far worse though, although I probably wouldn't know a famous person unless they were airbrushed with a headline underneath them.

Only 2 1/2 months to do.

Love, D

Brad C said...

I bet you weren't totally normal, although I have never seen your acting skills put to the test before, so maybe you pulled it off. However, I bet you laughed at least once, a little too loud at a comment that really wasn't that funny. I would have been downright obvious though. The only thing I would have going for me is that I wouldn't know they were famous unless they were airbrushed with a headline across them.

Only 2 1/2 more moths to go. Can't wait.

Love, D

Brad C said...

twice now I have written witty comments to this posting, and have lost them. This is a test posting now...

love, D

Paola Unger said...

You ARE problems there! You are right on all fronts. Your posts are successful!

K. van der Leeden said...

Oh my god. I love meeting famous people, but wouldn't recognize them either, which is probably why I have never met one. I will keep my eyes open for you and Cate Blanchett's husband slurping wine in the upcoming issue of People Magazine. Then I WILL know a famous person: YOU!